By Chief Ren “Anavae Wolf” Herdman
The cultures and traditions of Native America are just as vast as the world of martial arts itself. Each tribe and nation for thousands of years depended on its ability to protect and defend itself from outside invaders and the vast animal kingdom they depended on for survival.
Today, each martial artist claiming this rich heritage understands the sacrifice their ancestors had to make to survive in a newly budding country. And each one of us continues the legacy left behind of trying to make the world a better place, not just for our own people, but for everyone. Many of us listed here are either current military, or have served in the military with great honor. After all, we are all Americans. And as martial artists, we are all warriors.
As Chief of the Central Appalachian Cherokee Tribe, it is a great honor for me, and the other Cherokee martial artists listed, to be celebrated by the Sport Karate Museum for the accomplishments and hard work we have all invested in our lives and the lives of other people. Thank you SKM, and thank you to all of my native brothers and sisters in the spirit of martial arts for all that you have contributed to the martial arts industry!